General information - Halton Societies,Clubs,Groups,Associations

Some general information from The Grapevine about this type of organisation and what to expect.

A passion shared

If you are keen to follow up an interest or hobby you have then there is a wide range of Halton societies,groups,clubs and Halton associations that you can become involved with to learn more and share your interest with others who are passionate about the same thing.

You can expect to find entries related to :

  • History
  • Gardening
  • Film,crafts,arts
  • Railways,cars,ships

Why not give it a try

New members will always be welcomed with open arms so you can go along to a meeting or event that the organisation runs to find out more then take it from there.

We recommend you get in contact with them via the Contact Us option or give them a call on the contact telephone number listed. You can then confirm dates and times of meetings or events and ask any question you like about getting involved.

Most of these organisations rely on subscriptions from members to fund the activities they offer and to keep the organisation running so you can expect to pay a membership / joining fee at some point. Don't let this put you off as fees are often very modest and more than worth the enjoyment you will get from becoming actively involved in a subject,hobby or pastime that you are interested in.

Participate in The Grapevine

If you offer learning or self improvement opportunities or leisure learning activities eg hobbies, crafts or sports and you would like to tell people what's going on in your organisation then visit the Participate in The Grapevine page for further details.

Help us make The Grapevine the place to find out what's going on in the learning community of Halton.
